Usui Reiki Level One and Two, Aromatherapy for Therapists, Aroma Detox Massage, Spiritual Aromatherapy for Energy Workers and Aromatherapy for RMT Selfcare

Usui Reiki Level One and Two, Aromatherapy for Therapists, Aroma Detox Massage, Spiritual Aromatherapy for Energy Workers and Aromatherapy for RMT Selfcare

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Enlightened Oils offers live and online courses for Therapists. All Courses can be events in your area contact Jeannine Millan direct at  Most courses will be held in Cochrane Alberta.  

Reiki One and Two over 2 days 10-5 some are on a weekend option Cochrane in Alberta and some are a week apart.

Reiki One includes the History, Benefits, Chakra system, Self-healing, the Attunement to open to the energy and full sessions on each other for practice. A 120 ml of Clearing Spray is included.

Reiki Two covers the 3 Symbols used in the sessions, a second Attunement to increase the ability to channel the energy, the Four energy fields, Distance Healing and Group Distance healing, Manifesting Grids for self. Then hands on in shared treatments.   A set of Crystal Manifesting grid is included. 

Follow ups are:   Reiki Shares can be arranged in Cochrane and the Calgary area. 

These courses on Reiki are all live trainings.  To register go to


Aroma Detox Massage Technique is a live class or online course with video and kit that contains 7 oils and 3 blends in 12 ml size and a carrier oil for the back. This treatment is for spinal inflammatory issues and general detox benefits.

The live course is a 10a.m. to 5 p.m, duration and starts off with overview of the 7 oils and 3 blends used in the treatment, the steps involved, benefits, Contra-Indications, Assessment (for the spinal conditions) and follow up treatments when appropriate. 

The teacher will perform a treatment on someone outside of the student body as a demonstration and ask the students to participate in some of the hands-on with Vita Flex techniques.

Each student will give and receive treatment within the class timeframe and receive a full 12 ml kit.

Q and A to end the class session.   To register


Aromatherapy for Therapists Course Live or Online

This course is for any therapist wishing to utilize the benefits of essential oils within their practice. 

We start off in the live class with History, Benefits, Uses, Safe Practices, 12 essential oils and 4 blends that can be beneficial for the manual therapy practices.

The four conditions covered are:  Headaches, Sore Muscles, Bone and Joint issues and Relaxation with Stress Relief.  The conditions are discussed and essential oils that are prevalent in those conditions are covered.

Carrier oils, Blending, Pregnancy, Storage and Contra Indications are covered.

We will within the live class practice blending and create 2 massage blends for each student.  Then do a full 45–60-minute aromatic massage for each student they will give and receive a treatment. 

During the online version there is a video included showing the application methods of the oils for those said conditions

There is an open book quiz at the end of the class and a final discussion about treatments for clients.  Each student will receive the Starter kit containing 16 x 5 ml bottles of oils and blends covered in either Live or Online course.

To register for any of the courses see

Aromatherapy for RMT Selfcare

This course is 3 hours and live currently a online version will become available soon.  The course covers conditions the therapist might experience as they progress with their practise.  The typical issues are damaged or torn ligaments or tendons, Frozen shoulder, wrist sprains, lower back issues.  We will cover these with applications using 4 products:  Sports Gel, Active Blend, Birch Blend and Ligament and Tendon blend.  The therapist will learn how to use these products made by Enlightened Oils for themselves and to reduce down time when injured. 

The therapists will utilize the oils and gels during the class applying or practicing using the products for proper application.  For areas not accessible we can pair up for application methods.   This class is not recommended for pregnant therapists or for the breast feeding term. 


The Spiritual Aromatherapy class is geared for Energy Workers, Chakra-Balancing therapists, and Reiki practitioners Yoga Therapists. Practitioners who know the Chakra fields and how to locate each chakra.  The class covers how to use essential oils and sprays that assist your clients with energetic imbalances. You’ll learn how these applications will affect the energy field. Some effects include:

  • clearing energetic blockages
  • releasing attachments
  • clearing and sealing up the energetic field where damage has occurred
  • aligning the chakras with the sprays

Each therapist will practise on another therapist during the class about 30 minutes each. The class includes the chakra spray kit and the Spiritual Healing kit.  You can find full descriptions on the site.