Fundamentals of Healing with Sound and Music

Fundamentals of Healing with Sound and Music

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Sound has been used to support health and healing for tens of thousands of years. It is also a powerful complement to many healing modalities. This course is highly experiential to allow for expansion of focused listening skills and practicing with sound tools. Course content covers the science of how, and why sound and music works, four different genres of healing music, how to use the voice to support healing, to balance chakras and remove emotional blocks. Also covered are hands on work with the following sound tools: Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, the Perfect 5th tuning forks and 2 Otto forks.

The Course Handbook and online access is included in the fees. For those registered for the Certification, the Practitioner Toolkit is also included.

There is no prerequisite for this course.

Because we have many people who take this program for their own self-care, the fee for certification is not included in the tuition. We highly recommend that practitioners become certified. The fee for certification is $350 per person, and it includes the written and practical testing, as well as the Practitioner Toolkit created to support your work with your clients. 

Our courses also qualify for the Canada Job Grant program. Call us for more information on how to apply at 800-748-4082. NHPC members receive 15 credits for taking this course.

Certification requirements include attending the 3-day course, participation in mentoring calls, submission of one case study and completion of online testing and in-person verification. 

The Fundamentals of Healing with Sound and Music course runs from 9 am to about 6 pm each day for 3 days with an hour break for lunch and morning and afternoon coffee breaks. Courses are scheduled for March 1-3, 2024, and May 31-June 2, 2024.