Sidelying - The Underutilized Position– Lower Body

Sidelying - The Underutilized Position– Lower Body

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Sidelying - The Underutilized Position

Mastering Sidelying Technique - Lower Body

Ever find yourself glancing at your booking app and feeling that knot tighten in your gut? You know the one I'm talking about. "Hip work," the client says. "And I can't lie on my stomach," they add. The Dreaded Side-Lying Request. But what if you could flip the

script? Transform that dread into a "Bring it on!"

Meet your new superpower:
Sidelying Sessions. It's not just a course; it's your fast track to becoming the therapist who knows how to drape like a pro, transform your leg and hip work, and actually suggest a sidelying treatment without a second thought. And we're not talking vague, theoretical good-to- know-and-never-use learning here. This is the real deal, taught by a therapist who's been in the trenches for over 30 years.

But wait, it gets juicier.

You'll be diving deep into the anatomy, palpation principles, and the what-to-do and what- NOT-to-do when it comes to sidelying treatments. Learn to wield your cupping, MLD, RAPID, and TrP techniques in fresh, innovative ways that make your clients go "Where have you been all my life?" And ergonomics for you as a therapist? Your back is going to thank you too.

So go ahead, enroll now and change the game. Your future clients are already thanking you -they just don't know it yet. To register visit https: