To support the professional excellence of our holistic health practitioners, we have a mandatory Continued Competency Program (CCP) for all regular and associate members.

We believe that continuing education should be useful and engaging, and we are proud that our program offers you the flexibility to earn credits in the areas that benefit you the most. 

If you are a non-student member, you must complete 20 CCP credits every two years in the areas of ethics, CPR, First Aid, and professional development activities.

You can earn credits through variety of activities, including volunteering, mentoring another practitioner, teaching a class, or even writing about your personal meditation practice. 

The CCP ensures you remain safe and skillful throughout your career. It helps you continue to provide ethical client care by supporting your knowledge, skills,  judgment, and commitment to lifelong learning.

We detail the Program requirements our Continued Competency Program Guide (PDF), and NHPC Members can log in to find out how to get credits or to track CCP activities.

Course Recognition

Courses and other education do not need to be individually reviewed by NHPC staff to be eligible for credit.

Consult the CCP Guide above for eligible activities and Course Recognition for eligible topics.